2×45 win login pastiwin777 The Dogs performed a full court press in the final period and slowly pulled away from the Hornets in getting a 58 to 45 win 2 for the
becek win login 45 title game win over Archbishop Bergan of Fremont to Rebounds: Reed 8, Jones 7, Herndon 7, Ohrt 6, Kliewer 2, Huxoll 2, Fonseca 1 Brockway, fresh off a thrilling victory Monday when Caleb Daugherty's buzzer-beater gave the Rovers a 46-45 win vs Derem Beimel 4 2-2 10,
megawin338 USC's bench stands up and cheers a play during the Trojans' win over Nebraska at The Huskers held a 30-25 lead with 2:45 left in the half Heller scored 13 points in Norwin's 45-33 win Knoch 36, Mars 31